With these four books, the authors justify a new field in medicine and dentistry:
An interdisciplinary maxillo-mandibular osteoimmunology.
All four volumes document the fatty degenerative osteolysis of the jawbone. On a case-by-case basis, emphasize their conspicuous overexpression of the inflammatory messenger RANTES/CCL5 and discuss 39 chronic diseases that may have been triggered by it.
The discussion shows that an extension of volume I and II was necessary due to the increasing importance and understanding of „silent inflammation” for the immune system.
The investigation of disturbing „signaling pathways” from the jaw area because of insufficient wound healing after tooth removal, inflammatory stimuli from implants and root fillings, and their systemic intricacies make these three textbooks a cornerstone of medical progress.
The trust in the eternal significance of x-ray diagnostics is questioned and supplemented by the use of trans alveolar ultrasound diagnostics (TAU with ultrasound sonograph CaviTAU®).

Volume I – IV (English) “Cavitational Osteonecrosis in Jawbone”
Dr. Dr. (PhD-UCN) Johann Lechner
From neglected local inflammation to endangering systemic diseases.
- You get an insight in functional and immunological medullary derailment of jawbone
- You learn the localization of jawbone detox by new ultrasound sonography.
You can view the abridged ONLINE version free of charge HERE.

Volume I „Cavity forming osteolyses of the jawbone“
Dr. Dr. (PhD-UCN) Johann Lechner
Systematic-integral effects of aseptic osteonecrosis “jaw ostitis” and “NICO” in the jaw – Index
In the author`s practice, astonishing improvements in rheumatoid, neuralgiform complaints and other systematic diseases are observed after the cleansing of painfree, radiographically incospicuous and toothless jaw areas (NICO). These are structurally characterized by a fatty degenerative osteonecrosis of the cancellous bone. In order to clarify systemic connections, osteolytic and fatty degenerative cancellous bone was taken from a total of 17 subjects and examined for 27 immune messengers using bead-based multiplex technology. All 17 NICO samples consistently show the highest concentrations of RANTES/CCL5. The scientific literature on the causes and metastatic tendencies of breast cancer assigns RANTES a key role as a signalling agent.

Volume II „Histology & Immunology of the cavity-forming osteolysis of the jawbone“ Dr. Dr. (PhD-UCN) Johann Lechner
Oral and systemic manifestation of a Maxillo-Mandibular Osteoimmunology – Index With this book three athors enter a new field in medicine and dentistry: an interdisciplinary Maxillo-Mandibular Osteo-Immunology. They present it case-related and casuistically and discuss the diseases associated with a fatty degenerative osteolysis of the jawbone (FDOK). After Volume I with the title „Cavity forming osteolysis of the jawbone” published in 2011, further scientific data on FDOK is now available. Prof. Bouquot has made his extensive histological imagery on FDOK “NICO” obtainable and 2000 own histologies from FDOK were analyzed and evaluated in addition.

Volume III „Cavity forming osteolysis of the jawbone“ Dr. Dr. (PhD-UCN) Johann Lechner
Dental pathomechanisms of chronic inflammatory diseases – Index After Volume I from 2011 and Volume II from 2015, Volume III, on the cavity-forming osteolyses of the jawbone with their oral and systemic manis fixations, will be published in 2019. These three books by the authors Dr. Dr. (PhDUCN) J. Lechner, Prof. JE. Bouquot and Dr. V. von Baehr with more than 600 colored illustrations and over 1,000 literature citations on more than 800 pages explain and justify the new therapy and research branch of a „Maxillo-Mandibular Osteoimmunology”.

Band IV „Visualisierung der kavitätenbildenden Osteolysen im Kieferknochen mit Sonographie“ Dr. Dr. (PhD-UCN) Johann Lechner
Radiation-free imaging for maxillo-mandibular osteoimmunology and documentation of the controversial bone marrow defects in the jaw with ultrasound-generated images, objectively visible and comprehensible.
- With over 200 multicolored images for interpreting the CaviTAU® ultrasound measurements for bone density in the jaw
- With over 560 literature citations on the scientific background
After Volume I in 2011, Volume II in 2015, Volume III in 2019 in the series “Cavitation-forming osteolyses of the jawbone”, Volume IV in 2020 rounds off the entire compendium on cavity-forming osteolyses.

NEW! Book slipcase for the series “Cavity-forming osteolyses in the jaw bone”!
Dr. Dr. (PhD-UCN) Johann Lechner
Do you own one or more books of the series “Cavity Forming Osteolyses in the Maxillary Bone”? Then order your personal, beautifully designed book slipcase for the entire series Volume I to IV “Cavity Forming Osteolyses in the Maxillary Bone” now. All books in the series will fit beautifully in the slipcase and on your bookshelf. Secure one of the few available copies now!